Beavers Celebrate with Family Picnic

Published by aktd-admin on

dunkOn Saturday, October 13 Beaver Park was invaded by approximately 150 Beavers! The weather was perfect (maybe a bit cool for the dunking booth “dunkees”) for games, fun activities for all ages and FOOD. Everyone who attended enjoyed the day . The excellent food was catered by Plain Nuts . The ice cream truck was a late addition to the program but it proved to be very popular particularly for the children. Approximately $1500 value in cash, gift cards, water bottles, frisbees, clothing items, etc were given away.

A big thanks to the Picnic Team (Ann, Sherrie, Cheryl and Danny) for planning and organizing the day. Also, the following vendors contributed toward the give aways: Blake & Pendleton, Dillion Yarns, Teijin Aramid, PHP, ACS, PCA, Teijin Shoji, McCullough & Associates and Nexeo.









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